Monday, January 28, 2008

Sweet Relief

I did it. It's over. It was pretty much painless, but my hands are still shaking. I've really got to get a hold on this anxiety business. I was taking deep breaths all morning to prepare myself for what I had to do.

The boss was (of course) kind and understanding, saying he understands what an opportunity this is and that I have to take it. He was visibly nervous. I think he was worried that I was putting in my two-weeks' notice, which would mean that he would be up shit creek during the upcoming trial. So, there was relief in his eyes that he has me until March, and this eases my mind.

I even told two of my co-workers. They were really excited for me. It's really happening now. Officially.


Virginia Mudge said...

Good for you Mama. I like your comparison (in a previous blog) to ripping off a band-aid. I suffer from the same kind of anxiety: the task is nothing I can't handle, but for some reason, it all starts building in my head and I end up really, really not wanting to do it. Then I'm all "squirmy." I'm glad to know someone else goes through this, silly as it may seem. And, dude, seriously, Spain? Kick-ass. For reals.

Anonymous said...

aspire is spain if you take out the e and r (which is short form for emergency room, where you would have ended up in pain - spain without the s - had you not finally told your boss), and add an n, after rearranging the letters a bit.

the universe is conspiring. don't miss the signs, stevie! DON"T MISS THE SIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!