Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Freddy, you're saved!!

It's officially un-official, but I believe I now have not one but TWO options for someone to keep my Freddy-Fuzzy-Stuff. Hooray!!! I feel so good it's like nothing else matters, but of course that's not true. Money (of course) still matters, so rounding up the last bits of medical records to deliver to Geico is the #1 priority. Settle! Settle! Settle!!

In other news, I have an eye exam scheduled for Saturday - can you believe I found the ONE provider on my entire insurance plan who operates on a Saturday, and they're only 2 blocks down the road from me?!? What luck! Also, I'm getting two fillings next Tuesday. The appointment is at 1:00pm, but I think they may have to give me the gas before I will let them anywhere near my mouth with those needles - the last time I went through this, they hit a nerve in my jaw, and the time before that, the needle broke in my frickin' mouth and blood was shooting all over the place. So, anyway, I'm wondering whether work after that will even have a point - I might mistakenly start filing my trial exhibits into the shredder, some subconscious evil playing itself out or something, and that would be no good indeed. So after those two lovely dates, I only have to visit the OB/GYN and my allergist, and voila! I will be in tip-top shape for a Spanish adventure.

It has occurred to me recently while re-reading my own blog (yes, I am that self-involved) that this whole thing might sound really stupid. Like, why do I feel the need to tell everyone about all the minutia of my planning efforts and try to make it sound sooo interesting, as if anyone cares? Not that this is going to stop me from doing it [see above diatribe on the stages of my planning phase], but I just want to impart that if any of you dear readers are bored with all of this crap, please don't let this dissuade you from my future postings - the ones I'll actually be writing when I'm IN Spain, for chrissakes. I promise my life will be a lot more interesting - well, let's hope it is anyway - or at least more interesting to read about.


On a side note, I had a very weird dream last night. There was a strange man in it who was fixing the tire of my (dream) car, and he wrote me a ticket for something ridiculous like eating ice cream or something. It was one of those dreams where I was like, "Hang on...this is really bizarre. What in the world am I dreaming about THIS for??" Anyway, sorry I can't give you more, but if more of it comes back, I'll let you know.


becki said...

Hey Stevie! Since i added your blog to my RSS feed, it updated me with all twenty-something of your blogs and I'm reading them chronologically today in my down time at work. :) I love it because I'm getting to indulge my impatient side and not wait for you to update because I have it all at my fingertips! Literally! Anyway, I love reading your writing, but I'm nervous about leaving you a comment, lest you send it back to me, edited for grammatical corrections!

Blog on, Stevie, blog on!

(this is becki by the way)

becki said...

edited WITH.....WITH! not for! see?!