Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's Friday, I'm in Love

Well, it's almost Friday. It's Thursday, and the song is on my internet radio. Speaking of, did you hear about the kid in England or somewhere whose parents named him "Friday," and the government put a stop to it and forced them to name him "Gregory"? Pretty crazy, eh?? It makes me wonder why the government didn't stop my mother when she named me, all doped up on demerol. Truly, I like my name, but it's a pain in the ass sometimes. Particularly when it comes to my last name. Also speaking of names, I just read a story about a woman whose name is Mary and who married John Christmas, so now her name is "Mary Christmas"! Ha.

I got my first TEFL book in yesterday, and it is a whopper. I'm going to try to call up the old college spirits of attention span so that I can actually not fall asleep every time I try to read the thing. I am betting, though, that the material is going to be more riveting than one might expect. There's a dvd that came with the book, so if all else fails I can try to engage with that. Updates to come on any new language teaching tidbits that interest me! (Boy, aren't you thrilled?!)

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