Well, I've officially returned from Oz. I'm not home yet, but I can safely say there's no place like Madrid.
I do apologize for the lack of blog upkeeping - totally unbecoming of a blog novice such as myself - and I do hope that you will all find it in your far away hearts to forgive me.
In the meanwhile, what kept me away for the month of June was a visit from Ashley, fellow Americana, which kept me quite occupied. We had some good times - went to Nerja and slept on the beach for 2 days, hiked up the mountain behind the Alhambra and barbecued, hung out with a lot of cool ppl from the Granada house, and had some times. More photos to come of all of that stuff.
As for the month of July, I was teaching English at a summer camp run by Interway in Madrid. There's a lot to say about Camp Interway and my experience over the past month, but frankly I'm too tired to say it at this juncture (I just got back today). I figure when I'm on my flight home (in FOUR DAYS!), I'll whip out the portatil and type it up when I'll have 12 hours to kill rather than here in Madrid where I have only four more days to live it up in Espana. So, sorry m'dears, the update'll have to wait. I will be sure to provide some fotos here for your viewing pleasure too.
'Tis all for now, folks. Besitos!